Sunday, May 20, 2012

MvcBundleConfig NuGet Package

MvcBundleConfig is now available on NuGet!

MvcBundleConfig is a very simple project that adds configuration and debugging features to MVC 4's bundling framework. Once you create a new MVC4 web application and install the MvcBundleConfig NuGet Package, then you need only update our layout to use the new bundle extension methods, and you are ready to go!

Please note that the System.Web.Optimization NuGet package is still in beta, and thus that dependency is not included in the current version of the NuGet package. However, if you have created a new MVC4 project then that assembly should already be included.

Sample Installation Steps

  1. Create a new ASP.NET MVC 4 Project
  2. Select Manage NuGet Packages
  3. Search for and install MvcBundleConfig
  4. Update the Layout
kick it on


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