Saturday, February 27, 2016

Podcast - What should all software developers want in their applications?

Each week, my good friend Zach Mayer and I answer geek culture's most superfluous questions on the QQ-Cast. This past week we turned to the subject of software development, and did a retrospective on my series of blog posts, Three Things that all Applications MUST Have.

QQ Cast - Quest 40 - What should all software developers want in their applications?

  • 00:00 - Mic Check and Introductions
  • 03:55 - Why isn't your application logging?
  • 06:15 - Where is your configuration coming from?
  • 11:00 - Can we talk about Unit Tests for 18 minutes?
  • 29:00 - Is continuous integration necessary?
  • 30:30 - Does automated deployment speed up development?
  • 38:00 - When should you use inversion of control?
  • 49:30 - How intrusive is error reporting for end users?
  • 59:00 - Do you remove user impersonation from production builds?
  • 63:30 - Why is continuous deployment so controversial?
  • 72:15 - Wrap up!


Sunday, February 21, 2016

Async Cache Repository v2

Three years ago (wow, time flies) I wrote a generic Cache Repository that has become one of my more popular open source projects. It is 2016, so was definitely time to create an async version of that cache repository! This new implementation has all of the same features as the original, only now it is completely async from top to bottom.



  • Thread Safe GetOrSet
  • Configurable Expiration Enums
  • Transparent Cache Key Management By Type
  • A Web Implementation

NuGet Package and Source


Monday, February 15, 2016

How To: Kill child process when parent process is killed v2

Working with unmanaged memory is not my forte. Thus I am very appreciative of when someone not only reads my blog, but then takes the time to do their own research and leave comments and suggest updates. TLDR: Thank you, Steven Pereyda!

Last year I blogged about how to kill a child process when the parent process is killed. The solution involves using the operating system by invoking Kenral32. However, as mentioned above, there was a small memory leak and a few other optimizations that we should have made; so let's take a look at how to fix those!

Fixes and Optimizations in v2

1. There was a small memory leak.

In the job constructor we used Marshal.AllocHGlobal to create an unmanaged copy of the JobObjectExtendedLimitInformation object, but we never freed that memory. The new constructor how has a finally block that ensures we invoke Marshal.FreeHGlobal.

2. We should use SafeHandles.

.NET has a SafeHandle class that can be used as a wrapper around unmanaged handles, which can help you prevent memory leaks; and I learned how to use this by reading a code project article by the always awesome Stephen Cleary. Please note that in v2 there is a now a JobObjectHandle class that extends SafeHandle, and we use this instead of storing the IntPtr ourselves.

3. We moved the GC.SuppressFinalize into the public dispose method.

Yes, this is the right way to do it. So why didn't I do it that way the first time? Because ReSharper was warning me that I wasn't using the isDisposing param...and hate warnings!

4. Follow the best practices of hosting all external calls in a single Native Methods class.

Microsoft recommends that you keep all of your external calls in one NativeMethods class, and then decorate that class with attributes to avoid security warnings. Sounds like a good idea to me.

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